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Ultimate Spiritual Healing E-Guide Pack. BUY 3 GET 1 FREE!

Ultimate Spiritual Healing E-Guide Pack. BUY 3 GET 1 FREE!



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In today's face-paced world, more and more people are turning to alternative medicines and therapies to treat ailments, illnesses, and diseases. One of the most interesting of these therapies is spiritual healing. Though some in the western world might say this is a new practice, it has been around for centuries and has been used in many ancient cultures all over the globe.


Spiritual healing is a type of therapy where positive healing energy is transferred from one person to another. This method of positive energy transfer is usually done using the hands of a spiritually gifted individual known as a healer.


Whats in this pack:


24 Page Guide ~ The 8 Step Guide to Manifesting Goals & Inner Potentials.

16 Page Guide ~ Moon Cycles & Your Spiritual Practice. 

25 Page Guide ~ Moon Rituals

FREE 32 Page Guide ~ Moon Mapping


Grab this pack to deepen your personal journey.



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    Kerry Grezl - Soul Mentor, Therapist, Author.


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