Restorative Yoga & Meditation for Beginners.
Online Program ONLY $25!
+ Bonus Gifts valued at $125.
You are ready to discover yourself through yoga and meditation.
Your ready to go on a self discovery journey, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
You are ready to loosen up those tight and tired muscles and feel relaxed and grounded in your daily life.
What Will You Experience?
In this 30 Day Restorative Yoga and Meditation Program, Kerry Grezl will guide you in practices designed to support whatever level you are. You will have access to 5 pre-recorded classes consisting of 3 sessions in each a total of 15 sessions which you can happily go-at-your-own-pace. This program is suitable for beginners who have never tried yoga or meditation, who suffer from sore tight muscles, who are not flexible or recovering from injury.
Let's experience your inner stability, joy and wholeness.
BONUS Printable Pack
"My Yoga Planner" & "17 page Yoga Power Poses" ebook
What is restorative yoga?
Restorative yoga is a passive, meditative form of yoga that allows you to focus on your breath while releasing tension in your body. Unlike other forms of yoga, restorative yoga requires you to hold asanas or poses for an extended length of time, typically 5 minutes or more.
Restorative yoga benefits
Deeply relaxes the body.
Stills a busy mind.
Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility.
Improves capacity for healing and balancing.
Balances the nervous system.
Boosts the immune system.
Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self.
How do you meditate?
Meditation is something everyone can do, here's how.
Take a seat. Find place to sit that feels calm and quiet to you.
Set a time limit. ...
Notice your body. ...
Feel your breath. ...
Notice when your mind has wandered. ...
Be kind to your wandering mind. ...
Close with kindness. ...
That's it!
“A great way to start the day !”
“My healthy body is created by my healthy thoughts.”
How to Know This is For You...
1. You feel disconnected or detached from your body. You really want to get back in touch with your body.
2. You are someone who is constantly exhausted.
3. You are someone who is looking for a practice to improve your sleep.
4. You are wanting to improve your posture. Your back aches because of this.
5. You are someone who is stressed and suffers from anxiety.
You really want to learn new techniques that involves the mind and body in a holistic way.
6. Your GP has advised you to take up some form of gentle yoga and meditation.
7. You are someone who prefers to train at home. You are not comfortable in gyms or yoga studios.
Does this resonate with you?
"I recommend it for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of why we do what we do and how we can create lives that are more fulfilling, resourceful and purposeful."
Rose N.
You Have Come To The Right Place.
Meet Your Teacher Kerry
Hi my name is Kerry Grezl and I am the Founder of Your Creative Essence By Design.
I have been teaching in Australia for over 28 years in the way of One on One Restorative Yoga & Meditation, Therapy sessions, Transformational classes, workshops and Mind, Body & Spirit Retreats. I have taught over 100's of beautiful souls in Australia and literally live high on love for my business! I am now transitioning my classes and training online to change as many lives as I can now globally.
Kerry Grezl
I help people who have a yearning to be doing more with their life, feel they are here for a bigger purpose.
My mission is to help you clarify your path and purpose in life so you can create the life you have always envisioned. One of freedom, impact, abundance and bliss.
As a Holistic Wellness Therapist, Yoga/Fitness Instructor, Business Mentor, I hold space for trust, honesty, love and expansion within.