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ABFE Emergency Pack
  • ABFE Emergency Pack


    Excellent for any emotional upset. This Essence is comforting and has a calming effect. 

    3 x Products:


    1. Emergency Essence Drops 30 ml - Excellent for any emotional upset. This Essence is comforting and has a calming effect. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue as needed.


      2. Emergency Essence Space Mist 50ml

    Positive Outcome: - Ability to cope Comfort, Reassurance and Courage.

    We have blended high quality essential oils with our flower essences to give each mist a unique fragrance and help accentuate the positive aromatherapy benefits. The Emergency space mist contains Neroli, Chamomile, Lavender and Bergamot essential oils. This blend has been designed specially to help in emergencies due to their distinct subtle properties.Neroli oil helps to calm anxious thoughts, uplift spirits and relax the nerves. Chamomile can be used to counteract agitation and draw out the best in you. Lavender comforts and soothes whilst gently uplifting Bergamot helps to bring forth a positive state of mind  Easy to Use: Just mist or spray into the surrounding air every hour or more frequently if necessary.


     3. Emergency Essence Cream 50ml - The Emergency Essence Cream is ideal for times of emotional turbulence when your skin and complexion are not looking their best.This organic moisturiser has been formulated to nurture, balance and provide rich moisturisation for in-need skin. It is excellent for listless and problem skin, and helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.An excellent moisturiser for times of pressure, emotional turbulence, sadness, grief and life’s big and little emergencies. Apply generously to your beautiful face, hands or body as required.


    Positive Outcome:

    • Ability to cope.
    • Comfort, Reassurance and Courage.


    FLOWERS: Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew and Waratah.


    (Slender Rice Flower & Spinifex have been added to the Mist and Moisturiser formulations.)

    Formulation: Vibrational infusions of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.


    100% Certified Organic.



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